Breast Cancer awareness Needed for the people of Quetta

Breast cancer awareness.

Breast cancer is a large group of disease that can start in almost any organ. In todays world where various diseases have spread and became an issue for the world breast cancer remains the second landing cause of death globally. Accounting for an estimate 9.6M deaths or one in deaths is by a cancer. Looking back to 2019 breast cancer remained as common disease which would spread in women including colorectal, lung, cervical, and thyroid. Where as prostrate, colorectal, stomach and other common types of cancer in men.

Since this remained a glancing problem for the world the “WHO” is firmly working hard to narrow-down cancer by making various advertisements, campings and awareness programs to overcome the spread of cancer.

One of the major and important step by “WHO” was to keep a separate day to remember cancer and it’s consequences on the world. 

14 February is kept as World cancer day by “WHO” where specifically in the whole world awareness programs and events are held to tell the world about the destructive threat to human life’s by cancer. 

The day is also celebrated to collect funds for cancer. Specially in sports events where teams wears pink shirts to stand with cancer patients.

According to “WHO” they have been working hard to spread cancer awareness in people and they have also made hospitals in the rural areas too for free and possible better treatment.

Cancer might be proven as the most spreading and fast indulging disease in humans for what immediate precautions are important to be taken by the world organisation working for it. And hospitals for free and possible treatments should be build. 


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